Thursday, 24 September 2015

Windows 10: Find Computer Name At Ctrl-Alt-Del Logon Screen

To find the computer name of a Windows 10 domain workstation at the Ctrl-Alt-Del logon screen:

Click Other user

Type .\ in the Username field and the computer name will be displayed instead of the domain.

User name: .\

  • Click Other user
  • Click How do I sign in to another domain?
The computer name is displayed within the message text:

Type COMPUTERNAME\local username to sign in to this PC only (not a domain).

Speednames: Add Autodiscover SRV Record

To add an SRV record using Speednames DNS:

Open Domain Manager and select the Advanced DNS tab. Specify the SRV record as follows:

Service: _autodiscover
Protocol: _tcp
Source: @
Priority: 0
Weight: 0
Port: 443

Target must be a fully qualified domain name.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

VMware Workstation: Copy or Restore Folder Inventory

To restore or copy the VMware Workstation folder inventory to a new workstation:

Close VMware Workstation
Copy inventory.vmls from and to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\VMware