Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Windows Server 2016: One or several parent features are disabled so current feature can not be enabled. Error: 0xc004000d

The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.
One or several parent features are disabled so current feature can not be enabled. Error: 0xc004000d

To resolve:

Open an elevated PowerShell prompt and enter the following to check if the .NET Framework Feature is installed:

Get-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Features

Then enter:

Get-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Features | Remove-WindowsFeature

Finally repeat the first command to check the feature has been removed:

Get-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Features

Restart the server.


Connect the Windows Server 2016 ISO to the server.

If this is an AWS EC2 instance then snapshot and attach the Windows Server 2016 installation media following the instructions here:

Open an elevated command or PowerShell prompt and enter:

dism /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\Sources\SxS\ /LimitAccess

where D: is the drive letter of the Windows Server 2016 installation media.

Lenovo ThinkPad X250: Power button LED flashes three times but fails to power on

Lenovo ThinkPad X250 power button LED flashes three times but fails to power on.

To resolve:
1. First reseat the battery and attempt to power on.

2. Remove the battery and attempt to power on.

3. Disconnect the power cable and remove the battery.

4. Turn the laptop upside down and undo and remove the screws holding the base cover.

5. Remove the cover then disconnect and reconnect the yellow CMOS battery as shown.

6. Fit the base cover and power on.

VMware Workstation 14: Nested ESXi Guest Virtual Machines slow

Virtual machines running within a VMware Workstation nested ESXi virtual machine run extremely slow and take several minutes to boot.

This issue can be caused by AVG Anti-Virus.

To resolve:

1. Open AVG Anti-Virus.

2. Select Menu > Settings > Troubleshooting and uncheck Enable hardware-assisted virtualization.

3. Restart the computer.